| Call for Manuscript Submission for January, 2020 Issues | Registred with DOI from Cross Reference | DOI for Each Article will be Provided |Both Online and Print ISSN | Fast Review Process within 3-5 Days | Indexed in Google Scholar, Journal Seek, Publon, Worldcat and in process in others |

  • Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance (SJEF)
  • Abbreviated key title
  • Editor in Chief
  • ISSN
  • DOI
  • Frequency
  • Language
  • Country of Origin
  • Publisher
  • Current Issue
  • : Saudi J Econ Fin
  • : Dr. Faisal G. Khamis
  • : 2523-6563 (Online) & 2523-9414 (Print)
  • : 10.36348.sjef
  • : Monthly
  • : English
  • : United Arab Emirates
  • : Scholars Middle East Publisher, UAE

“Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance” ISSN 2523-6563 (Online) & ISSN 2523-6563 (Print) is a Monthly, peer reviewed, open access, Journal published by published by “Scholars Middle East Publishers”, Dubai, UAE.   This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review, Short Communications, Essays and Case Studies within the whole field of Economics and Finance their related  and applied fields.

The aim of the “Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance” is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academicians, Researchers and students to publish significant empirical and conceptual research works and share with globally.

The scopes of “Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance” includes all the areas of research activities in all fields of Economics as- Business Economics, Economic Management, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International economics, Experimental economics, Fiscal policy, Health Economics, Mathematical Economics, Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Industrial Economics, Labour Economics, Inflation and monetary policy, Information economics, Environmental economics, and Agricultural economics etc and Finance as Public Finance, Personal finance, Securities and Investment Analysis, Institutional Finance, International Finance, Financial Management, Managerial finance, Corporate finance, Financial planner, Behavioral finance, Financial mathematics, Financial economics etc.

This Journal is indexed in many databases including Google Scholar, Publon, Worldcat, Indexcopernicus and in process in SCOPUS , SCI.