The Existance of Shared Space with the Container of Character Application Among Low Income Users

Darmiwati, Ratna and Sumartinah, Happy Ratna (2015) The Existance of Shared Space with the Container of Character Application Among Low Income Users. International Journal of Literature and Arts, 3 (4). pp. 49-53. ISSN 2331-057X (Online)

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Humans are social beings, who tend to live together in groups. For low-income people category in the society, togetherness strongly influences the members’ way of life. The limited socio-economic factors among the low-income circles, leads to the emergence of settlements and slums that are not orderly. This is due to the various activities these settlements serve to fulfill, such as a togetherness socialization, centers of economic activities, non-formal education, among others. The shared space acts as a container where these various activities take place. Thus, it must be met with the low-income bracket standard so that it can be utilized effectively, in return, making it easier to regulate the placement, while at the same time reducing the disorderliness and untidiness in the settlement as well as the environment. The assessment of the existence of shared space in residential environments, among others is to help ensure that: The existence of shared space, can be accepted by the inhabitants of low-income residents; the shared spaces serve the functions that residents daily activities can take place regularly and fulfill the desire of residents; the existence of shared space is right, and the activities take place comfortably ,safely, orderly and without interfering with privacy of others; the existence of shared spaces meet the terms of architecture that meet environment standards, where noise, ambient temperature, humidity, and odors can be controlled, and infrastructure organized.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Togetherness, Shared Space, Low Income Society
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Prodi Arsitektur
Depositing User: Theresia Ratna Darmiwati
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2019 07:10
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2019 09:02

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