Development of Customer Loyalty Convenience Stores in Wonokromo District Surabaya

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2019 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 6 Issue 10
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Deograsias Yoseph Yustinianus Ferdinand, Stephanie Astrid Ayu
MLA Style:

Deograsias Yoseph Yustinianus Ferdinand, Stephanie Astrid Ayu, "Development of Customer Loyalty Convenience Stores in Wonokromo District Surabaya" SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies 6.10 (2019): 52-55.  Crossref,

APA Style:

Deograsias Yoseph Yustinianus Ferdinand, Stephanie Astrid Ayu,(2019). Development of Customer Loyalty Convenience Stores in Wonokromo District Surabaya. SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies 6(10), 52-55.


Grocery stores are businesses that require precise strategies to develop effectively. In order for a grocery business to run well, a good management concept is needed, namely customer orientation, coordinated business effort, goal orientation. Besides that, it is necessary to increase customer satisfaction and maintain customer loyalty. This development of loyalty has developed well in minimarkets that grow around grocery stores so that the development of grocery store loyalty requires attention and in-depth understanding. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of this study are from 3 Kotler formulations that cause the creation of customer loyalty is still difficult to apply by grocery stores due to the low management of information which is the basis of the database due to the traditional grocery store management.


Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Grocery Stores


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